What's Happened, What's New, What's Upcoming?Spring 2025 Registration starts Friday, February 21st at 8:30 a.m.
and will continue throughout the Spring Session.
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
On March 19th, SSILL welcomed Justin Hedde, Principal, Centerbrook Architects to provide SSILL members and guests a preview of the newly renovated Yale Peabody Museum. The renovation was an extraordinary project and was the first comprehensive renovation in 90 years.
Stories of Hope and Triumph
The Women and Family Life Center provides legal counseling, financial counseling, assistance with career preparation, help for domestic abuse victims, and this is just to name a few of the services that they offer.
Spring Semester Opening Day
On March 5th, SSILL presented the “Shoreline Jazz Quintet” (SJQ) for the opening day program. The musicians and their music were very much enjoyed by the audience in attendance. SSILL was very excited to start off the semester with such an uplifting lively event.
Who Are We?
Schiller Shoreline Institute of Lifelong Learning invites you to join us.
This is our sixteenth year of offering stimulating programs on the Shoreline.
Join us for a cup of coffee, hear a brilliant speaker.
Newsletter – March 2024
Our Spring semester is ready to kick off! Our Open House and first program are March 5th. at 10:00 a.m. at the Guilford Community Center. Come a little earlyand enjoy a cup of coffee. If you haven’t joined SSILL yet, it’s not too late.
Maximizing Healthy Longevity: The Science
Every day we hear about new diets, drugs, supplements, exercises, and gimmicks claiming to maximize our healthy years. But most of these are not supported by good studies.
AI is perhaps one of the hottest topics in the news these days. It is not a new concept, we are already living with it every day. The presentation provided a basic understanding of AI, the evolution of AI, and the future of AI and how it will impact the world in the years to come.
The United States Coast Guard Band Chamber Players
It is a treat to attend a music concert by Members of the United States Coast Guard Chamber players.
What We Know About Alzheimer’s Prevention
This topic is so important in our lives as we age and care for family members suffering from Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Project Music Heals Us
Welcome back Project Music Heals Us. PMHU’s mission to bring high quality live music to marginalized communities and to those who do not have access to classical music.
Unlocking The Secrets to Talking with Your Doctor
The Healthcare system is not easy to navigate for many of us. Learn how to prepare for doctor appointments to make the most of your overall health and well being.