Program Rating

Thank you for attending our programs at the Shoreline Institute for Lifelong Learning. Our mission is to offer meaningful, intellectual programs to area adults who share a love of learning and would enjoy a few hours of intellectual stimulation and socializing. Your comments are important to us and assist SSILL in continual programs designed to suit varied interests.

Would you kindly rate the program you attended in the below form. You may enter one program per page visit.

Program Evaluation Form

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    Comments: (optional)

    What other type of Programs would you like SSILL to Present?: (optional)

    We appreciate your comments! Please click SUBMIT to send us your form.


    Guilford Community Center:
    (203) 453-8086
    Email Us

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    Evaluate Your Program!

    If you have attended one of our programs, we encourage you to complete our evaluation form. Your comments and suggestions will help our organization offer the best sessions possible.

    Contact Information

    Guilford Community Center
    (203) 453 – 8086
    32 Church St
    Guilford CT 06437

    Email Us:
    [email protected]

    *Please note that we follow the safety protocols of the locations where we meet.

    SSILL Disclaimer

    Any views or opinions expressed in the programs are solely those of the presenter and do not necessarily represent those of the Schiller Shoreline Institute for Lifelong Learning (SSILL) or the Guilford Parks, Recreation & Seniors (GCC) and Madison Senior Center (MSC).

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