A Community Through Learning Opportunities

Providing meaningful, intellectual programs to area adults on the
Connecticut shoreline.


Lectures, Talks, Concerts, Trips & More!

Providing meaningful, intellectual programs to area adults on the
Connecticut shoreline.


Programs conveniently presented on the Connecticut Shoreline.

Providing meaningful, intellectual programs to area adults on the
Connecticut shoreline.


See what you missed! Previous Programs & Reviews

Providing meaningful, intellectual programs to area adults on the
Connecticut shoreline.



We have secured an amazing line-up of programs and trips for this Spring!

We know you will find the programs intellectually stimulating, sometimes entertaining, and maybe even challenging. Our growing membership attests to our success in enriching the lives of adult learners along the Shoreline.

Even in his 87th year, the great Italian renaissance artist Michelangelo, creator of such masterpieces as the Sistine Chapel and the sculpture of David, is quoted as saying:

“Ancora Imparo”

(I am still learning.)

Given the scope of his achievement in painting, sculpture, poetry and architecture, this humility is striking and strongly reminiscent of the Greek philosopher Socrates:


“The wise man knows that he knows nothing.”

About Us

At SSILL, it’s about enlightenment and community.  It’s no surprise that several of our board members are retired educators as are many of our members.

SSILL is especially proud of its programs which we  believe are diverse, informative, educational and entertaining.   The fall semester programs run from just after Labor Day to mid-December and the spring semester begins the first week in March ending mid-June.

We offer programs that appeal to a wide variety of interests from art and music to history and science.  And in a variety of formats: large and small lectures, small discussion groups, films, concerts and trips.  We’re guided for the most part by members’ evaluations of existing programs, by their suggestions and by a 15-member program committee.  The amazing thing is that we never run out of ideas, topics, or speakers who are all, equally amazingly, volunteers. The speakers are university professors, both active and retired, physicians, authors, scientists, musicians, documentary filmmakers, experts in the fields of economics, history, art, opera, and the natural world.  AND many return to us semester after semester, telling us that they really enjoy the interaction with our intellectually curious and engaged audience.  Many stay to talk with our members long after their talk is over.

Programs are presented largely at the Guilford Community Center as well as at the Madison Senior Center, St. George Church Hall and the Guilford Library with whom we have a long collaborative history.  We offer some joint programs with the library each semester (most recently a zoom art history talk by the art expert, Bob Potter) and we also use their community room for some of our programs during the semester.  

SSILL Weekly Spotlight



MaryEllen Mateleska, Mystic Aquarium MaryEllen Mateleska, Mystic Aquarium On November 12th, SSILL welcomed  back MaryEllen Mateleska, Educator, from Mystic Aquarium to talk about the Sea Turtles of Long Island Sound and what is being done to conserve and rehabilitate...

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Sanctuary kitchen offers catering, culinary training, sells their food at local Farmer’s markets to provide wonderful opportunities for work, and friendship for refugees in the United States to start a better life.

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We want to acknowledge and express our gratitude to our Benefactors:

The Guilford Foundation  –  To view their website, click HERE
The Madison Foundation –  To view their website, click HERE
The Branford Community Foundation  – 
To view their website, click HERE

We are grateful for our Fall 2024 Coffee Sponsors:

Anytime Fitness of Madison, Deep River and Guilford
Joint Fitness of Guilford and Branford
Rotary Club of Guilford

We would very much like to welcome additional coffee sponsors.
Please contact us anytime at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like further information.

We would also like to thank those who have made generous donations to SSILL both independently and as part of the Registration process.


SSILL Mission

The Schiller Shoreline Institute for Lifelong Learning’s (SSILL) mission is to develop and provide meaningful, intellectual programs to area adults who share a love of learning and a desire to be part of a caring community.

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