by | Mar 12, 2025

Joe Attwater, Connecticut Audubon Society

Joe Attwater, Connecticut Audubon Society

Back by popular demand and with standing room only, SSILL welcomed Joe Attwater from the Connecticut Audubon Society on Tuesday, March 11th, to talk about owls.  The audience learned about the various kind of owls that are in existence.

Joe featured some slides of the owls that live in Connecticut.  The incredible slides were accompanied by audio of the sounds each type of owl makes.  Joe explained where the owls live, nesting habits, diet, and many other interesting features of these unique animals.  Joe’s excellent presentation skills were captivating and  he even threw in a bit of humor.  One member exclaimed “Joe Attwater is a great presenter.  Well prepared, great slides.  He imparts his knowledge and excitement about birds”.  Another member said “Binocular vision!  How cool.  Thanks for all the information, very well presented”.

To learn more about the birds of Connecticut, please visit

The Connecticut Audubon Society at:

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