by | Apr 22, 2024

April 12th trip to Athletic Brewery

Co-Founders: John Walker & Bill Shufelt

They also addressed personal safety and the importance of locking your car and putting valuables out of sight. Unfortunately, they advised, the “bad guys” will often circle around a parking lot and watch who is putting things in the trunk so they can then vandalize or steal that vehicle.

On April 17, SSILL members enjoyed a tour of Athletic Brewing with John Walker, Co-founder and Head Brewer, in an impressive state-of the art facility.

SSILL Tour Group

We learned how Athletic is revolutionizing beer for the modern adult by proudly brewing great tasting craft non-alcoholic beer. Using an innovative, proprietary method of brewing beer without alcohol, Athletic has created a lineup of non-alcoholic craft beers that don’t compromise on taste.  (Did you know that Connecticut water is particularly good quality for brewing?)

Thank you John for such an informative tour, answering all our questions and how generously you shared your day with us.


Click HERE to find out more about Athletic Brewery’s story and products.

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