How Digital Technology has Revolutionized Diabetes Care

by | Nov 12, 2024

Stuart Weinzimer, M.D., Pediatric Endocrinology

Stuart Weinzimer, M.D., Pediatric Endocrinology

On November 5th, Dr. Stuart Weinzimer, Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes at the Yale School of Medicine, presented an “easy to understand” session on how technology has impacted the monitoring and management of type I diabetes in children.

He explained how tedious it was to manage these childrens’ diabetes prior to the introduction of medical devices that monitor and help manage these patients’ care.  Although, the management of the disease still requires constant diligence, it is far easier to do this successfully now that such devices are available.

Parents are still primarily involved in the management of the disease in younger children. Dr. Weinzimer passed around some of these devices (pumps and censors), so that the audience could get an idea of what they looked like.  The memberships’ evaluations of the presentation were overwhelmingly positive, as they learned so much and they expressed their desire to have Dr. Weinzimer invited back.

One member stated, “He clearly presented something that could be overly scientific and sensitive to so many societal concerns”.  Dr. Weinzimer’s clinical work in this field (including many clinical trials), has helped so many children and their families have some peace of mind in dealing with this disease.

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