by | May 16, 2024

Presenter: Susan Daniels, MSN RN CHPN

Susan Daniels, MSN RN CHPN

On May 7th, SSILL welcomed Susan Daniels from Middlesex Health to talk to the membership about how to plan for their “Grand Finale”. Obviously, this topic can be a very sensitive subject for most families.  Susan provided an in depth talk about the steps to take in planning for one’s end-of-life.

Her approach to this subject was thoughtful, logical and even humorous at times.  Her experiences in the Hospice field and dealing with families struggling with decisions involving their loved ones at the end of life was presented to the group.  Truly, some excellent advice in the steps to take when going down this road were provided.   For example, selecting a Healthcare proxy who will represent your best interests and wishes even when times get difficult.

One SSILL member stated, “Susan was fabulous – wonderful speaker.  Great info, do a repeat”.  Another engaged member stated, “Was very informative, would be great to have a chapter two, as there is so much to know and do for a gentle exit”.

Susan came with an array of resources and information for the attendees to take home with them.  

For more information, you can contact Susan at:

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