by | Nov 15, 2024

MaryEllen Mateleska, Mystic Aquarium

MaryEllen Mateleska, Mystic Aquarium

On November 12th, SSILL welcomed  back MaryEllen Mateleska, Educator, from Mystic Aquarium to talk about the Sea Turtles of Long Island Sound and what is being done to conserve and rehabilitate these animals.

Most people don’t think Sea Turtles exist in Long Island Sound, but the fact is that they do.  There are four different species who have been found in Long Island Sound (Green sea turtles, Loggerhead sea turtles, Leatherback sea turtles and the Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles).  MaryEllen described a condition called “Cold Stunning”, which put several Kemp’s Ridley turtles into danger in the waters of Cape Cod.  Several of these turtles were brought to Mystic Aquarium for rehabilitation this past January.

MaryEllen came equipped with educational slides, as well as actual turtles that have been preserved for educational purposes.  SSILL members at the program expressed how much they enjoyed learning about the turtles and how the community can help with conservation.  One member stated “Infectious enthusiasm!  Great information and program!  Love the community inclusion – thanks!”  To learn more about Mystic’s programs to conserve and rehabilitate marine animals and how you can help out, please click HERE to visit their website.


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