Unlocking The Secrets to Talking with Your Doctor

by | Oct 29, 2023 | Healthcare, Medical

Presenter: Gabby Ceccolini, Quinnipiac University

Gabby Ceccolini, Quinnipiac University

We were delighted to have Gabby Ceccolini from Quinnipiac University School of Medicine present to our membership on Tuesday, October 17th. We had a big turnout for this program, as the topic “Unlocking The Secrets to Talking with Your Doctor” is so important to all of us.

Quinnipiac Medical School

The Healthcare system is not easy to navigate for many of us, and learning how to prepare us for our doctor’s appointments is necessary in order to make the most of our overall health and well being. Members raved about the program afterwards. “Everyone should hear it”, said one member. Another said “Very informative and worthwhile, great speaker.”


Gabby Ceccolini reminded us that, woefully, the time allowed to speak with your doctor is usually only fifteen minutes.  Therefore, it’s important to go to your appointment prepared! 

The acronym OLDCARTS will help remind you before your visit what information you should share with your Doctor.  This will maximize the quality of your appointment.


Onset (When did it start?)

Location (Where is it (the pain) located?)

Duration (How long does it last?  Has it changed?)

Character (Describe it (the pain) dull/throbbing?)

Associated Symptoms (Notice anything else?)

Radiation (Does it move?)

Treatment (Makes it better or worse?)

Severity(Scale of 1-10, how bad is it?)

Such good advice!

Join us at SSILL for other informative programs. You’ll see them all at ssill.org.

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There are some wonderful programs being offered for the
remainder of the semester.
You can register in person at the Guilford Community Center
32 Church St, Guilford, CT 06437
Register through the GCC online: SSILL REGISTRATION.

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