Shorebirds of Connecticut

by | Sep 11, 2024

Joe Attwater – Connecticut Audubon Society

Joe Attwater – Shorebirds of Connecticut

SSILL welcomed Joe Attwater from the Connecticut Audubon Society on Friday, September 6th, to talk about the Connecticut Shorebirds at the Scranton Memorial Library in Madison.  The presentation was a delight for many of the birders and non-birders in the audience. 

Joe’s slides included wonderful pictures of the various shorebirds, accompanied by audio of the bird calls that these birds make.  It was interesting to learn how to differentiate the birds by their calls.  Joe talked about Oystercatchers, Plovers, Sandpipers, as well as some other varieties of our Shorebirds. It was also interesting to learn about their migration habits.

It is truly amazing that most of these birds fly all the way to Central and South America for the winter.  Questions were asked about other birds, such as herons and ospreys, as they are very popular along the shoreline.  Joe explained that although these birds do live along the shore in marshes and estuaries, they are classifed differently.  Herons and egrets are “Wading Birds”, and ospreys are “Birds of Prey”.  One member exclaimed, “Very interesting and informative even for a novice “non-birder”, would love another presentation by Joe”!

To learn more about the birds of Connecticut, please visit The Connecticut Audubon Society at:

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