What We Know About Alzheimer’s Prevention

by | Healthcare, Medical

Presenter: Donna B. Fedus, MA

Donna B. Fedus, MA., Gerontologist


On October 31st, SSILL welcomed back Donna B. Fedus, M.A., Gerontologist and Founder of Borrow My Glasses. Donna talked about caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. The program was jointly sponsored by Shoreline Village CT. Shoreline Village CT is a community who actively help people age in place.

Donna speaks on a variety of other age related topics. If you would like more information, please visit her web site at: www.borrowmyglasses.com . We had a full house, as the topic is so important in our lives as we age and care for family members suffering from dementia and alzheimer’s disease. Once again, Donna received rave reviews. One member stated “Multitude of easy to understand symptoms and recommendations to practice”. Another member cited, “Very informative and easy to follow and use in my daily living!”

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There are some wonderful programs being offered for the
remainder of the semester.
You can register in person at the Guilford Community Center
32 Church St, Guilford, CT 06437
Register through the GCC online: SSILL REGISTRATION.

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